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DHL DOUBLE STANDARDS: Now it is time for the delivery giant to respect the court decision!

أخبار بيان صحفي

This has been organised as DHL Express Turkey refuses to recognise its workers’ union, TÜMTIS, despite getting legal recognition from the Turkish Minister of Labour and gaining enough members. Additionally, this behaviour breaks DHL’s own promise, made to international unions, that it would negotiate fairly with representatives in every country of operation.

Today workers around the world stand up and say enough is enough. The European and International Transport Workers’ Federations (ETF and ITF) have launched a day of solidarity actions. Protests at DHL workplaces, letters to DHL management and online support for DHL workers will pressure the company to do the right thing.

DHL Express Turkey is delaying union recognition with legal appeals, while bullying and dismissing union members. They aim to get TÜMTIS membership below the 40% needed for official recognition, but brave union members are standing strong.

Workers have now been on the picket line outside the DHL Express depot in Istanbul for over 330 days, since 17 July 2017. Speaking at the picket line on a recent trip to Istanbul to support the striking workers, Belgian MEP Kathleen van Brempt said: “DHL Express should not use double standards and discriminate against workers in Turkey.

“I would say to these companies, do not use double standards, we will not allow that. A worker in Turkey is not of lesser importance and does not have lesser rights than a worker in Europe.”

This week, on Tuesday 5 June, Turkish courts confirmed TÜMTIS as the representative trade union at DHL Express and refused DPDHL’s discretionary objection. President of the ETF, Frank Moreels, said:

“DHL Express Turkey needs to stop its games. Turkish courts are not friendly to trade unions, but they have now ruled twice in favour of TÜMTIS.

“At the global level, DHL has promised to recognise unions, so there is no reason to delay. The world is watching DHL break its promises and ignore the law. Now our global action day will send solidarity to the workers and a strong message to DHL management. Get to the negotiating table, now!”


For further information contact:



Communications Officer, ETF Senior Section Assistant for Inland Transport, ITF

+32 470 93 05 90


Deniz AKDOĞAN (speaks Turkish) 

+44 (0) 7725206483


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