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Ryanair, you must play fair!

أخبار بيان صحفي

Speaking to the executive body for transport workers worldwide, Stephen Cotton, ITF general secretary, stated: “This is an employer that has made a radical shift in finally acknowledging workers’ right to trade unions and collective bargaining, forced by their own workforce and pressure from our members.  Many of our unions are already in serious talks with Ryanair, some have already been formally recognised. 

This is a fundamental right that should be honoured.  Now the task is to ensure that Ryanair not only talk to unions, but also carry out a significant clean-up of their employment rights.  As a starting point, all workers, irrespective of contractual status, must receive the employment conditions and rights of the country in which they are based. Ryanair need to play fair and show that, as one of the leading aviation carriers, they take all of their responsibilities seriously. 

Eduardo Chagas, ETF General Secretary stated “Our unions are working closely together, not only to ensure that Ryanair play fair but that all low-cost competitors in our market recognise that this type of employment practice will not be tolerated.  Union recognition for all workers and national employment conditions and rights are a critical start.

In conclusion, ITF President, Paddy Crumlin added “We are looking at all global aviation markets and will increase our work to end this race to the bottom of transport worker rights.” 


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