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ITF backs Deliveroo protest in Belgium

أخبار بيان صحفي

Deliveroo wants to force its riders to become self-employed, and lose the benefits of employed workers.

Collectif des coursier-e-s (an organisation of Deliveroo-riders) is protesting at the offices of SMart, the organisation that administers their work contracts, on Saturday 27 January, 1500 CET at rue Coenraetsstraat 72 – 1060, Brussels

They will be supported by activists from the BTB union and a traveling delegation of 20 Deliveroo riders from the FNV union in the Netherlands.

Mac Urata, ITF automation/future of work coordinator, said: "What is happening to these riders in Belgium is an example of the way many so-called 'gig economy' companies are behaving. They use labour classification loopholes, such as self-employed, as an excuse to slash wages and working conditions.

"But they won't get away with it because workers, like in Brussels, are fighting back and demanding their rights. They have the full support of the ITF and all our unions in this crucial battle to stop this attempt by Deliveroo to escape it responsibilities to the most important part of its business - its workers".


More information:
BTB-ABVV, Steven Steyaert +32 468271073
FNV Tara O’Dowd +31 6627220518

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