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UAE and ITF to work together to solve abandonment cases

أخبار بيان صحفي

FTA and ITF officials met this week to discuss the increasing number of abandonment cases faced by the UAE and the Gulf State's desire to bring an end to the problem. 
Both parties agreed to develop a protocol to govern a closer working relationship, including increased cooperation and information exchange.
The FTA officials announced that they would push for the UAE to ratify the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, and the ITF committed to provide advice, training and expertise to assist with this. 
David Heindel, chair of the ITF seafarers' section, said: "I'm heartened that the FTA is taking this issue seriously. The scourge of shipowners who think that they can dump their ships and leave their crews without pay and essential supplies must be brought to an end. It is good to know that the FTA is taking the initiative and have already banned the vessels of one shipowner who repeatedly abused seafarers’ rights. This is setting a good example to other states in the region and I hope they will follow suit."


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