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ITF celebrates Day of the Seafarer


ITF seafarers’ section chair Dave Heindel said: “The Day of the Seafarer gives everyone a chance to celebrate the vital role that seafarers play in everyone’s lives. It’s an opportunity and a request for help that the ITF and its unions are always happy to respond to.”

He continued: “This year the IMO has asked that we all promote the day by spreading the theme of ‘what seafarers bring us’ globally via social media. The idea is that this will give everyone a chance to express their thanks to seafarers for their huge but often forgotten contribution to modern society.”

The IMO asks everyone to add a word or words of their choice to the sentence ‘Seafarers brought me....’ – it can be anything that comes to us by sea – and then put it on social media along with the hashtag #thankyouseafarers. You can spread the message at or find out all about the day and access the social media toolkit for it at

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