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Support sacked dockworkers in Nigeria, ITF urges unions

أخبار 31 Jan 2017

Tally clerks and security men from the Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria were effectively sacked in December 2015 by the National Ports Authority, which failed to renew their contracts. Thousands of dockworkers have been affected and are struggling to support their families, as they were given no permanent alternative jobs or income. This means the standards Nigeria agreed to by ratifying the International Labour Organization's Dock Worker Convention 1973 (No. 137) are not being met.

Sharon James, ITF dockers section secretary, said: “This situation has gone on for far too long and we want to see it resolved swiftly.  

“Our unions can help us make a difference. We ask you to send a letter to the Nigerian government calling for its intervention to achieve a solution.”  

Use this link to send your letter to the Nigerian government.  

Share this page on social media to encourage others to take action too. 

Show your support via the ITF dockers’ page on Facebook. 

Post a comment on the ITF campaign page in support of the Nigerian dockworkers. 

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