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OPT Summer School

Florence, Italy

The ITF is hosting a summer school in Florence, Italy on 20 – 24 August 2019, open to all ITF affiliates organising urban transport workers and ITF Young Transport Workers’ Committee members representing the sector.

The 5-day programme aims to promote learning and sharing to increase the visibility of young workers in urban transport , and will cover issues such as:

  •  Organising and strategic campaigning
  •  Global trends and issues
  • Precarious and informal work
  •  Social movements and alliances
  • The ITF’s Our Public Transport programme and young workers participation
  •  International solidarity

If you wish to register for the Summer School, please contact your union as the invitation has been sent to all ITF affiliates representing urban transport workers and ask them to start the registration process. In case you have any questions, please email 

12:49Tuesday 20 August
12:48Saturday 24 August

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