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Creating a better future for workers today.

By sharing our knowledge, experiences, research, tools and other resources, we can focus and unify our action, strengthen our collective voice and amplify our impact, to create a better future for workers, today.


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Remarkable women in Uganda

Reporting on the ‘ Remarkable Women Who Move the World’ work done by ITF with Women Mobilize Women (WMW), we look at the work done in Uganda. “In the beginning, there was a lot of disrespect. A

Understanding Informal Transport In Africa

Since 2010, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the Global Labour Institute (GLI) have been working on labour and employment issues in the informal transport industry, and have

Congress Vision and Resolutions 2024-2029

We set out our 2024-2029 vision for ‘Transport Workers Moving the World Forward’. These are our demands and strategy to transform the transport industry, to create a safer, fairer and more sustainable

Remarkable women in Uganda

Reporting on the ‘ Remarkable Women Who Move the World’ work done by ITF with Women Mobilize Women (WMW), we look at the work done in Uganda. “In the beginning, there was a lot of disrespect. A

Remarkable women in Brazil

In the first of our features looking at the ‘ Remarkable Women Who Move the World’ project work done by ITF with Women Mobilize Women (WMW) we are taking an in depth look at the work done Brazil. “I

Metro Workers' Charter

This Metro Workers’ Charter articulates key priorities that must form the cornerstone of a renewed and efficient metro sector, focussed on providing a quality public service, fighting inequalities and

Invest In Public Transport. Invest In Our Future.

This statement has been agreed by organisations representing leaders of some of the largest cities, international climate initiatives, transport authorities and operators, supply-chain businesses

Research Paper: Abidjan Bus Rapid Transit and Metro

This is the report of research commissioned by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) from the Global Labour Institute (GLI) in Manchester, UK and Université Alassane Ouattara (Côte d