نحن نمثل عالم النقل، ونمثل عمالنا. ونحن نعمل لمصلحة جميع عمال النقل، ونبذل قصارى جهندنا لحماية وتحسين حياتنا ومستقبلنا جميعاً.
ITF’s elected board members from around the world.
The ITF Executive Board comprises of members elected by Congress, the General Secretary, the chairs of the industrial sections and the chairs of the women transport workers’ committee and the young transport workers’ committee.
The members from affiliated unions are elected to the Executive Board directly from the regions.
Six seats are reserved for women on the Executive Board. The Executive Board usually meets twice a year together with its sub-committee the Management Committee, which has special responsibilities for administrative matters.
Paddy Crumlin
ITF President
Toshihiko Sumino
Vice President (Asia Pacific)
Najeem Usman Yasin Alhaji
Vice President (Africa)
Seddik Berrama
Vice President (Arab World)
Pablo Moyano
Vice President (Latin America/Caribbean)
Frank Moreels
Vice President (Europe)
John Baker
Vice President (North America)
Mary Liew
Vice President (Women)
Stephen Cotton
ITF General Secretary
Najeem Usman Yasin Alhaji
Vice President NURTW, Nigeria
Juliana Mpanduji
Women's Seat COTWU, Tanzania
Marcel Zante
FSTAT-B, Burkina Faso
Jack Mazibuko
SATAWU, South Africa
Stephen Abima
ATGWU, Uganda
Seddik Berrama
Vice President, FNTT, Algeria
Meryem Halouani
Women's Seat, UMT, Morocco
Toshihiko Sumino
Vice President SHITETSU-SOREN, Japan
Mary Liew
Women's Seat SMOU, Singapore
Abdulgani Serang
NUSI, India
Ajay Kumar
RaiNETWON, Nepal
CA Rajasridhar
AIRF, India
Conrad Oca
AMOSUP, Philippines
Kam Soon Huat
SOS, Singapore
Tae Kil Chung
FKSU, Korea
Mitsuharu Matsuura
JSU, Japan
Pablo Moyano
Vice President FEDCAM, Argentina
Janaina Fernandes
Women's Seat FNTF, Brazil
Julio Sosa
Epitacio Antonio
dos Santos CNTTT, Brazil,
John Baker
Vice President ILA, USA
Terri Mast
Women's Seat ILWU, USA
Lana Payne
UNIFOR, Canada
Sean O'Brien
Richard Johnsen
Frank Moreels
Vice President BTB, Belgium
Valérie Latron
Women's Seat FGTE-CFDT, France
Martin Burkert
EVG, Germany
Edwin Atema
FNV, Netherlands
Christine Behle
Verdi, Germany
Ekaterina Yordanova
FTTUB, Bulgaria
Henryk Piatkowsk
iPSU, Poland
Jan Villadsen
3F, Denmark
Joe O'Flynn
SIPTU, Ireland
Terje R. Fenn Samuelsen
FF, Norway
Sharon Graham
UNITE, Great Britain
Pekka Lehtonen
AKT, Finland
Mick Cash
RMT, Great Britain
Antonio Oviedo Garcia
FeSMC-UGT, Spain
Mykhailo Kiryeyev
MTWTU, Ukraine
Neven Melvan
SUC, Croatia
Sergei Chernogaev
Remo di Fiore
Roman Hebenstreit
VIDA, Austria
Laurent Le Floch
FEETS-FO, France
Edgardo Llano
ITF Civil Aviation Section Chair
Paddy Crumlin
ITF Dockers' Section Chair
Johnny Hansen
ITF Fisheries Section Chair
Yuri Sukhorukov
ITF Inland Navigation Section Chair
David Gobé
ITF Railway Workers Section Chair
James P Hoffa
ITF Road Transport Section Chair
Dave Heindel
ITF Seafarers' Section Chair
David Massiah
ITF Tourism Services Section Chair
Diana Holland
ITF Women Transport Workers Chair
Dorotea Zec
ITF Young Transport Workers Co-Chair
Horacio Calculli
ITF Young Transport Workers Co-Chair
John Mark Mwanika
ITF Urban Transport Committee Chair
Koen de MeyACV
Transcom (FIOST), Belgium
Jan Coolbrandt
ACV Transcom (FIOST), Belgium
Anu Koljonen
NTF, Sweden
Peter Lövkvist
ITF Fixed-Location Warehouse, Terminal and Logistics Workers’ Steering Group Chair