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Press Room

Breaking news and analysis, expert opinion and other media resources from the ITF.

The International Transport Workers’ Federation’s media team is part of a global movement, working with the world’s media to fight for workers’ rights.

Our team can assist journalists with enquiries on both international and UK issues, in multiple languages.

Media contacts
Are you a journalist? Please email for all press and media enquiries, or contact individual members of the team via phone or WhatsApp.
Rosalyn Smith Media Manager Tel: +44 7522 229623
Sian Manaz Deputy Communications Director Tel: +44 7850 736145

For non-media enquiries, please email

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斐济一家主要轮渡公司欺骗海员,压低他们的工资,在工人与工会交谈之后,便解雇了海员,使他们滞留在远离亲人几千公里的地方。 Gounder Shipping公司的海员骗局曝光 Goundar Shipping公司以体面的工资和条件欺骗20多名菲律宾海员飞往斐济,在其运营的乘客和货运渡轮上工作。当海员到达之后,公司告诉他们,他们得到的工资将比之前承诺的低60-70%。 由于许多海员买不起回程机票
news Press Release


美国总统乔 · 拜登 本周 重申了对《琼斯法案》的支持,国际运输工人联盟( ITF ) 沿海航行专门 工作组对此表示赞赏。 作为白宫周一宣布加强联邦 “ 购买美国产品 ” 条款的一部分,拜登 - 哈里斯政府坚称支持《琼斯法案》及其只有悬挂美国船旗的船只才能在美国各港口之间运送货物的规定。 《琼斯法案》要求在美国沿海运作的船只由美国建造、拥有、悬挂美国船旗并由美国海员操作,从而支持美国的海事部门。
news Press Release


300 多个海事行业和人权组织的领袖签署了一项新的全球承诺,重申了对海事行业的期望和该行业负有调整解决日益严重的船员替换危机的责任。签署者包括 BP 、嘉吉、力拓和壳牌等主要跨国企业。 《海员福利和船员替换海王星宣言》 签署者 今天承诺,将共同承担解决这场危机的责任,这场危机已经使全球成千上万名海员陷入了相当于强迫劳动的处境。 《海王星宣言》是全球海事论坛推出的一项倡议。国际工人联盟( ITF
news Press Release


印度、土耳其、阿塞拜疆和孟加拉国海员在科威特舒艾拜港已进入绝食第三周。自1月7日起,“Ula号”散装货船(IMO编号:8102414)被抛弃的船员在绝望中开始绝食,为的是争取下船,并讨回拖欠他们的40多万美元工资。 在他们被送回船上之前,已有六名船员因血压和血糖水平失常被送往医院。如果海员继续拒绝食物和水,他们仍面临死亡的危险。 “科威特当局必须采取紧急行动,以免这些海员因这次绝食而死亡
news Press Release


代表全球数百万渔民发声的国际运输工人联盟( ITF )的渔业代表表示, 一项由美国研究人员进行的新的研究 表明,使用卫星数据有助于揭示该行业侵犯劳工权利的程度,以及执法部门如何可以使用这一技术打击现代奴役制和渔船上的人口贩运。 ITF 渔业部协调员 Rossen Karavatchev 说,尽管 ITF 对于研究人员发现大型工业渔船上有多达 10 万名工人被迫从事强迫劳动的结论并不感到惊奇
news Press Release


国际劳工组织( ILO )具有里程碑意义的裁决认为,一些政府在新冠肺炎( COVID-19 )大流行期间未能遵守《海事劳工公约》( MLC )中包括有关合作义务的第一条第( 2 )款在内的几项规定,侵犯了海员的权利。 联合国机构呼吁各国 “ 毫不拖延地 ” 承认海员是关键工人。 法律专家组成的高层委员会重申: “ 恰恰在危机时刻, MLC 的保护范围才具有全部意义。 ” 国际劳工组织( ILO
About the ITF

ITF is raising the voice of workers to improve the lives of workers. The leadership, advocacy, campaigning and direct action of ITF and our affiliated unions – at country, regional and global levels – has had a significant and tangible impact on workers’ lives and futures, both improving local conditions and raising international standards.

We are a democratic, affiliate-led federation, connecting and leveraging the power of trade unions from 153 countries. Find out more.


Our spokespeople are experts in their field and can speak on a broad range of issues. Call the press team to arrange an interview.

Stephen Cotton
Stephen Cotton was elected at the 43rd ITF Congress in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2014, re-elected at the 46th ITF Congress in Singapore, 2018 and the 46th ITF Congress in Marrakech, 2024. Under his leadership, the ITF has transformed into a proactive campaigning organisation, allowing the ITF and its affiliates to secure industry-leading contracts and protocols with key multinational companies in the transport sector.
Paddy Crumlin
Paddy Crumlin is the President of the ITF, a position he has held since 2010. He is also National Secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA), a role he has held since 2000, National President of the Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (CFMEU), and a Member of the Executive Board of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU).
ITF’s wider elected leadership include regional Vice Presidents, as well as and industrial section and department chairs. They can be contacted through the press team.

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