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ITF strengthens resolve on health and safety following death of NZ wharfie


The ITF has written to the Maritime Union of New Zealand (MUNZ) to express condolences and the federation’s commitment to safeguarding worker health and safety, following the death of a wharfie in Wellington.

47-year-old dock worker Mark Samoa was fatally injured when he was crushed between a forklift and cargo earlier this month while carrying out a warehouse packing operation at CentrePort.

ITF president and Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) national secretary Paddy Crumlin said: "A safe workplace for all maritime workers everywhere around the globe is a top priority for our union and the International Transport Workers Federation."

He went on: ”We extend our condolences to Mark's family and say to them, and our comrades at MUNZ, that his tragic death only hardens our resolve to make sure every maritime worker comes home safely to his or her family."

ITF Dockers section secretary Sharon James said: “Dock work is still an extremely dangerous profession. Ensuring the health and safety of workers is the number one priority of the ITF dockers section and raising minimum standards for workers in all ports is at the centre of the Ports of Convenience campaign.”

MUNZ is involved in an ongoing dispute with management in the Port of Auckland over mass contracting out plans that could result in the casualisation of the port.

An investigation into the death of Mr Samoa has been launched by CentrePort, Wellington police and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

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