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ITF seafarers back Spanish dockers

Hовости Пресс-релиз 24 May 2017

‘On behalf of all ITF seafarers’ affiliated unions and their members, the ITF seafarers’ section wants to express its support to the Spanish dockers’ unions and their fight against the liberalisation of the Spanish port system following the royal decree adopted by the Spanish Parliament.
‘The decree, which was only passed by a handful of votes – 174 in favour, 165 against and eight abstentions, demonstrates that the Parliament disagrees if and how the ‘reform’ will benefit Spain, Spanish ports or its citizens. In addition to the royal decree potentially having a devastating impact on the port workers, there are no guarantees of any improvement in the services or economic return to Spain’s coastal communities where the ports are located.’
ITF seafarers’ section chair, Dave Heindel, added: “We [the ITF] stand shoulder to shoulder with the Spanish dockers and their unions in their fight to protect their jobs, and we strongly urge the Spanish Government to reconsider their decision, which has no other purpose than to attack the workers.”

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