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Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) -108th session

IMO Headquarters (London, UK)/ Hybrid


  • Bullying and Harassment, including SASH* (STCW* table A-VI/1-4)
  • Development of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships Code (MASS Code)
  • Safety regulatory framework to support the IMO GHG Strategy
  • Enhance maritime cybersecurity
  • Piracy and armed robbery against ships
  • Unsafe mixed migration by sea
  • Domestic ferry safety

*Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment

*International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers

Who can attend

  • ITF Maritime Safety Committee experts elected
  • ITF affiliated union experts, endorsed for participation in this meeting*

*Consultation required prior to the meeting dates, email

09:30Wednesday 15 May
17:30Friday 24 May

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