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Stand with Argentinian aviation workers and defend the right to strike

Milei’s far- right government is making a concerted attempt to break the unions that represent aviation workers in Argentina. Its latest attempt has been to file criminal charges on extortion against Pablo Biro, General Secretary of APLA, Argentina’s pilots’ union for representing his members.

The attacks began as soon as Milei came to power, initially by denying workers at Aerolineas Argentina, the flag carrier, a pay rise that would come close to compensating for the extraordinary 120% rise in inflation in the country.

This has now accelerated to efforts by the Milei government to privatise the state- owned Aerolineas and Intercargo, deregulate Argentinian skies, and curtail the right to strike.

Despite the extreme pressure on them, Argentina’s aviation workers remain steadfast. Their unions have formed a new coalition, and workers have gone on strike multiple times- bringing the Argentinian skies to a halt and demonstrating that they power this industry.  

Now they are asking for your support. Aviation unions across the world, including from the USA, UK, Italy, Spain, Colombia, Germany and many more have already pledged to support their struggle.  

Join them.

Send solidarity to aviation workers by joining the ITF’s calls for the Melei government to respect the right to strike in Argentina and negotiate in meaningful dialogue with unions.