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Advance notice to media: press conference re planned union action in the Port of Rotterdam, 7 January, FNV Havens headquarters

أخبار بيان صحفي

It follows the failure of employers to meet union demands over job guarantees once two new Maasvlakte terminals become fully operation in Rotterdam.

FNV Havens officials with the support of representatives from European ITF dockers’ unions, will also be giving an overview of their concerns regarding overcapacity and the negative effects of automation in the port industry.
The press conference will take place at 12 noon local time (GMT+1).

You will be sent a full press release following the press conference giving more details on the dispute and planned industrial action.

For more information contact Gemma Walker at the ITF
Direct line: + 44 (0)20 7940 9209/Mobile: 07850 736145


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