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Third East Asia action week begins Monday

أخبار بيان صحفي

In Japan a rally will also be held at the Kotoku Kaiun company, over its refusal to engage in dialogue with union representatives.


For more details please contact:

In the UK, Sam Dawson. Telephone: +44 (0)20 7940 9260. Email:

In Japan, Fusao Ohori. Tel: +81 3 5410 8330. Mobile: +81 90 6949 5469. Email:

In Korea, Hye Kyung Kim. Tel: +82 2 716 2764. Mobile +82 10 5441 1232. Email:

In Taiwan, Tse-Ting Tu. Tel: +886 (0)75212380. Mobile: +886 (0)988513979. Email: or Sanders Chang. Tel: +886(0)2658 4514. Mobile: +886(0)955 415 705. Email:

In Russia, Petr Osichansky. Telephone: +7 4232 512 485. Mobile: +7(0)4232 706485. Email:



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خسارة فادحة لحركتنا النقابية في تشيلي

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