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Long running Auckland dispute ends in win for workers

Hовости Пресс-релиз 25 Feb 2015

MUNZ had been locked in a dispute with employer Ports of Auckland Limited (POAL) since 2011 over a new collective agreement for wharfies, with strike and lockout action taken.

But in recent days, union members voted unanimously to ratify a new collective employment agreement with POAL. The deal has since been signed.

ITF president, chair of the ITF dockers’ section and national secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia Paddy Crumlin said: "This dispute goes way back to 2011 and I congratulate the Maritime Union of New Zealand and its members for sticking to their guns and staying strong in their quest for a collective agreement.

“It's great to see that common sense has prevailed. 

"This is a victory for the good guys."

MUNZ National Secretary Joe Fleetwood said a resolution to the dispute was important for the workforce.

“This four-year dispute put enormous strain on workers and their families at Ports of Auckland and I’d like to congratulate them for their strength and resolve,” Mr Fleetwood said.

“I’d also like to thank the ITF and the international trade union community. There were rallies and actions of solidarity and support from right around the globe, including outside NZ embassies and consulates in support of the MUNZ struggle."

MUNZ national president Garry Parsloe, who played a leading role in resolving the dispute and will retire at the end of next month, said: “The new agreement is a positive step for workers at the Ports of Auckland and it should ensure the continued success of the port going forward.”


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