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ITF raises sacked drivers case with Iran government


The ITF today raised the case of three sacked Vahed Syndicate bus drivers directly with the Iranian government.

ITF general secretary David Cockroft called for the men’s reinstatement in letters to the country’s president and labour minister, after being alerted to their dismissals by the ITF-affiliated union’s vice chair, Ebrahim Madadi.

The three drivers are Hasan Saiedi, Naser Mohramzadeh and Vahid Feraydouni. All are active union members and have been dismissed after campaigning for higher wages. The sackings are clearly directly linked to their union activities.

David Cockroft promised Vahed Syndicate vice chair Ebrahim Madadi that the ITF would: ‘continue to support the board of directors of the Vahed Syndicate, the first ITF affiliate in Iran, in defending your members.’

He also acknowledged the decision of the union’s executive board to discharge Mansour Osanloo from the position of the union’s chair, stating 'we recognise the right of the board of directors as the elected governing body of the syndicate to take this decision, which we fully respect.’

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