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ITF Milestone in Global Aviation Governance


At our recent Civil Aviation Conference held on 15 October 2024, in Marrakech, affiliates across the board expressed strong support for intensifying our involvement and influence within the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). In the wake of the Conference, a landmark achievement was our first-ever participation as observers on the ICAO Council, marking a pivotal step forward in strengthening our voice in global aviation governance.

While the ITF has previously engaged in various ICAO committees and panels with the support and participation of several of our affiliates, contributing with proposals to the Assembly as well, attending a Council meeting marks an entirely new level of influence. As the highest governing body of ICAO, the Council comprises 36 Contracting States, elected by the Assembly, which work to shape policies impacting international aviation.

This new chapter will heighten the ITF’s visibility within the aviation industry, positioning us to contribute on essential regulatory matters such as workers’ rights, safety standards, and sustainable practices.

Gabriel Mocho Rodriguez, ITF’s representative to ICAO and Civil Aviation Section Secretary, reflected on the importance of this development: “Throughout the pandemic, we were instrumental in securing priority vaccination for aviation workers among others. Now, we’re working to provide aviation workers with the resources they need to handle unruly and violent passengers. And our commitment to influencing sustainability regulations remains strong, ensuring a just transition to a decarbonised industry where technology enhances safety, rather than merely cutting costs.”

Ruwan Subasinghe, ITF’s alternate representative to ICAO and ITF Legal Director added: “This historic participation is a substantial advance in our broader mission towards several UN agencies and bodies, and it sends a resounding message after this year’s Congress in Marrakech. Together, we’re making strides to ensure our unions are integral to shaping the future of aviation.



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