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ITF pushes for ATOS recognition at ICAO Air Navigation Conference


The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) was the voice of Air Traffic Management (ATM) workers at the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) Fourteenth Air Navigation Conference.  

As the only international organisation representing the interests of all ATM workers, the ITF took part in the conference which took place 26 August - 6 September in Montreal, Canada. 

The ITF's contributions, particularly on system-based Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) licensing and cross-border Air Traffic Services (ATS) operations, received recognition that these issues need further exploration and careful implementation to avoid compromising safety. 

The ITF delegation also proposed the formal recognition of Air Traffic Operations Specialists (ATOSs) as a third professional group, alongside ATCOs and Air Traffic Safety Electronic Personnel (ATSEPs). ATOSs are professionals who perform safety-critical functions in air traffic management, such as Flight Information Officers, Aeronautical Information Management Staff, Flow Managers, Apron Management Officers and Search and Rescue Staff.

The proposal sparked an important discussion, raising concerns around timing and implementation, and highlighting the need for continued dialogue to refine the framework for this group of professionals. Several states underscored the importance of moving towards international recognition for ATOSs. 

These proposals were referred to the relevant ICAO expert groups, indicating that the ITF's recommendations will continue to shape discussions in the development of future aviation safety policies and the protection of ATM workers.

The ITF was represented by Gauthier Sturtzer (USAC-CGT-France), Air Traffic Services Subcommittee Vice Chair, Nick von Schoenberg (President of CATCA-Unifor-Canada), Jean-Marie Top (USAC-CGT-France), Ben Vachon (CATCA-Unifor-Canada) and Norbert Payr (Section Advisor and Chief Delegate).



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