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Terry Snee


The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is sad to announce the passing of Terry Snee, former Federal President of the Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers (AIMPE). 

Terry was AIMPE President for 25 years, from 1993 to 2018. He lost his battle with cancer on Sunday, July 21.

“He led the union through difficult times and handled many industrial disputes,” said Federal President of the Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers, John Hartree. 

“Terry was a man who didn’t back down and fought forcefully for what he thought was right.”  

The introduction of a separate Marine Order for Engineer Officers in 2014 – Marine Order 72 – represents the culmination of Terry’s long struggle to protect standard for Marine Engineers in Australia.

In 2017, Terry was awarded an Order of Australia Medal in the Queen’s Birthday honours list.

ITF General Secretary, Stephen Cotton, said: “As a member of the ITF’s Fair Practices Committee for 15 years, we will remember Terry’s passionate commitment and major contribution to the trade union movement and the rights of seafarers around the world. 

“The entire ITF sends its heartfelt condolences to Terry’s family, friends, colleagues and comrades.” 

ITF President, Paddy Crumlin, said: “Terry Snee was a strong-minded advocate for seafarers’ rights and, particularly, professional standards of competency for officers.  

“He was the son of a Hull docker and he understood the importance of global networking and solidarity in an industry stricken by deregulation, systemic abuse and exploitation of large sections of its global workforce, particularly aboard Flag of Convenience vessels.”



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