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Mchafu Chakoma

Hовости 09 May 2019

We are sad to announce the sudden and unexpected death in Dar es salaam of Mchafu Chakoma, general secretary of the Tanzania Seafarers’ Union.

In a letter to Mchafu’s colleagues and friends, ITF general secretary Steve Cotton noted: “We are saddened by the death of Mchafu Chakoma, your long serving general secretary, and our thoughts are with you and his family as we offer our sincere condolences for your loss at this difficult time.

“Mchafu was an internationalist and was deeply committed to the promotion of African seafarers and sought to adopt a joint action programme between the Tanzania Seafarers’ Union and the Kenyan Seafarers’ Union on the training of seafarers. Mchafu was also very active within the ITF seafarers’ section and regularly attended our Maritime Safety Committee and made an active contribution to our international work. His input will be sadly missed.

“Please convey our sincere condolences to his family.”


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