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ITF signs agreement with Uber to begin social dialogue on working conditions for drivers and couriers

Hовости 17 Feb 2022

The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF), and Uber have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to begin social dialogue on the continued support of decent work for drivers and couriers globally.      

The agreement follows recent regulatory developments around the world that aim to improve working conditions for platform workers. As part of the MOU, Uber and ITF have committed to host regular roundtable discussions between company management and ITF affiliates, to collaborate on measures to benefit drivers and couriers.  

This engagement will enable dialogue on a variety of topics such as: trade union representation; freedom of association and bargaining; working conditions; health and safety; social protections; and dispute resolution.      

Commenting on the announcement, Stephen Cotton, General Secretary, ITF, said: “Today’s announcement marks a significant moment for workers’ rights in the gig economy. This will be the first time that meaningful conversations with a platform company on key issues for workers take place on a global level. 

“Together with our affiliates we will continue to robustly challenge employment status misclassification and disguised employment practices. But we believe this agreement can accelerate improvements in rights and conditions for drivers and couriers through a dual policy of social dialogue and structural reform”.  

The MOU also notes that both parties agree future solutions must ensure that platform workers enjoy the same protections, no matter which app they are using. 

  • The ITF can share the MoU with affiliates, with agreement from ‘the Forum.’ 

  • Affiliates and workers seeking additional information on the MoU can reach out to ITF at  

  • Any press enquiries can be sent to 


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