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ITF welcomes Indonesian union alliance

Hовости 21 Aug 2018

ITF affiliates IKAGI and Sekar Sejahtera ACS are part of the recently inaugurated Indonesian Airport Workers Alliance (PAGJABSI).

ITF civil aviation section secretary Gabriel Mocho Rodriguez said: “The creation of an alliance of Indonesian Aviation Unions is a clear statement of solidarity among Indonesian workers and can only strengthen the fantastic work that we have seen develop in Indonesia in recent years. 

“Indonesia has one of the fastest growing aviation industries in the world and this alliance serves to strengthen union power ahead of this anticipated growth. We would like to take this opportunity to wish our sisters and brothers in Indonesia the best of luck in their endeavours and we look forward to continuing a strong engagement with them in the future.”

The unions in the PAGJABSI are:

  1. SIPERKASA (Ground handling)
  2. Sekar Sejahtera ACS (Airline Catering)
  3. IKAGI (Garuda Indonesia Cabin Crew Association)
  4. GEC (GMF Engineer Club)
  5. Airport Cleaner Terminal 1
  6. Airport Cleaner Terminal 2
  7. SPASI (Airline Driver)

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