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ITF: Trump Jerusalem Announcement Undermines The Process Of Negotiation

Hовости Пресс-релиз

“The ITF and our affiliates have a long and proud history of supporting transport workers and trade unionism in the Middle East. And over the years we’ve backed our words with actions. Whether it’s been through resources in times of worsening conflicts, through sectoral project work, solidarity, or with attempts to further union relations; collectively we’ve worked tirelessly with our affiliates to push for a better future for working people in the region. The kind of unilateral move we saw last week undermines the process of negotiation and the environment of respect that we, as trade unionists, demand in order to adequately promote and defend our members’ interests. The ITF therefore fully supports the statement issued by the ITUC,” said ITF General Secretary Steve Cotton. 

The ITUC statement is here:

The ITF represents 16.7 million workers in 673 affiliated unions from 147 countries and territories.


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