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A solidarity message from the ITF to the members of the ILA


The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) representing more than 5 million members in 150 countries, offers our unequivocal support to the rank and file members of the ILA on the eastern seaboard and Gulf Coast in their struggle against local state policies that will lead to job losses and economic injury.

This attempt by the South Carolina State Ports Authority and the Waterfront Commission of New York to weaken the rights of dockworkers is a threat to dockers everywhere. Freedom of association and trade union solidarity are essential for workers in the globalised economy, and the ITF is proud to stand together with the ILA and speak with one voice.

From Spain to South Carolina, Dockers’ hard won rights are under attack. The ITF and its affiliates are going to be right at the heart of the fightback.


Paddy Crumlin

ITF president and chair of the ITF dockers' section


Steve Cotton

ITF general secretary


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