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ITF transport activists begin training in Morocco

Hовости Пресс-релиз

ITF summer school has been running for 15 years. It provides an annual space for trade unionists to meet and share knowledge and experience. Participants focus on strategic campaigning, organising and communications skills and ultimately leave able to better support workers’ rights on the ground. 

This year summer school will be delivered entirely in Arabic with participants taking part from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia, Lebanon, Kuwait andMorocco.

Bilal Malkawi is ITF regional secretary for the Arab World: “Holding the summer school in the Arab World region is recognition of the huge amount of trade union activity that’s going on here. Every day transport workers are facing new challenges and are looking to their unions for support. This training is about giving the skills to a new set of trade union activists so that they can be an asset to their unions – helping to build and strengthen them for the benefit of transport workers.”

Ibrahim Qerfah Head of the UMT trade union federation in Morocco said: "We are facing many challenges in the Arab World as workers and as trade unionists. We need to prepare so that we are ready to deal with these challenges which is why training like what we’re doing here at the first ever ITF Arab World summer school is so important. Training, leadership, organising and solidarity - those are our focus and the things that will help us to build strength.

Following participants’ own reports from the event via and #ITFsummerschool2016

Find out more about the work of the ITF in the Arab World region. 

For more information contact Gemma Walker:




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Hовости Пресс-релиз

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