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General Union of Transport Workers seal the victory in Palestine


The conflict background started when the municipality started to collect money from drivers without providing the minimum services and outsourced transport hubs to investors, sparking the ire of the union and drivers as the investor main concern is the profit, that also increases burdens on drivers to pay extra money for this investor.

There were correspondences and negotiations with the municipality in the presence of Jenin governor or his representative, but all failed as the municipality did not pay attention to the public interest and concerned only about individual interests. All of that led to take actions until achieving all demands.

After five days of struggle and protest to terminate the investor contract and to provide the services by Jenin municipality, in the presence of Jenin governor, directors of security services, national forces and organizations, civil society institutes, Jenin chamber of commerce, an agreement was reached to terminate the investor contract, while the union pays 1250000 Shekels to Jenin municipality within 10 days.

The municipality promised after receiving the money to fulfill all union demands and to provide all services needed at the transport hubs. The victory was achieved as a result of the solidarity shown by drivers and their commitment to the union instructions. Their slogan was solidarity, solidarity, solidarity.

ITF Arab world regional secretary, Bilal Malkawi, said:” Despite the hard conditions for the union and the drivers due to occupation, the unions and drivers are continuing their struggle to defend their workers. The union and its members are an excellent example to what can be achieved in spite of all the challenges they face”.



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