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Venezuela and Guyana ITF affiliates working for peace

Hовости Пресс-релиз

The border dispute between Venezuela and Guyana dates back more than a century and has flared up in recent months.

The declaration appeals for a positive dialogue between both countries, based on common understanding, solidarity and mutual support for development.

The signatories call upon the broader trade union movement of Guyana and Venezuela to unite their voice, for the defense of the future of their children, and to defend peace, common understanding, solidarity and sustainable development.

The meeting was made possible thanks to the hospitality of Brazilian ITF affiliates, in particular with the help of Severino Almeida of CONTTMAF and Omar Gomes of the CNTTT.

Antonio Rodriguez Fritz, ITF Americas regional secretary, said: “This declaration is an historical event in the region. We hope workers bring a different direction to something that some politicians, evidently influenced by other parties, including some translational corporation, are escalating.” 

“The ITF works for peace; that is the most precious issue for all. Only in peace can trade unions foster and get stronger”.




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