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Take action in solidarity with Uber riders around the world! 


Global ride-hailing company Uber is one of the world leaders for attacking workers’ rights.  

It cuts corners on employment standards and is under legal challenge in multiple jurisdictions.  

We are seeing poverty wages, debt servitude, mental health issues, and health and safety due to long hours. We are seeing women and young drivers disproportionately affected. 

Uber is an employer and it is not taking duty of care to its workforce.  

Uber is scheduled to begin trading publicly in May, and is rumoured to be seeking to raise about $10 billion.  

As Uber is kicking off a road show to offer shares to potential investors, the ITF and our affiliates are taking this opportunity to tell Uber their attack on labour standards must stop!  

We demand: 

  • collective bargaining rights and the right to join a union 

  • a living wage for all drivers, regardless of their employment status 

  • decent, safe working conditions for all drivers, men and women 

We are asking our affiliates to join the global days of action during the week of 22 April.  

This is how to participate:  

  • use the template letter and attach your union logo 

  • send or deliver the protest letter to your local Uber HQ to demand change 

  • taking a solidarity group photo, post on social media with the hashtag #GigWorkersRise 

  • make sure you tag ITF in the photo so that we can repost on our channels  

This action will send a message to Uber and other gig economy employers that trade unions are fighting back, and demonstrate to gig economy workers that global solidarity makes a difference. 


The ITF Congress in Singapore, October 2018, adopted a comprehensive strategy to tackle the challenges facing transport workers today. In order to seriously shape future of work, the ITF will build transport workers’ power by growing and activating our membership, campaigning innovatively and influencing policy nationally, regionally and globally.  

Congress identified four key areas to target for growth, and one of those was “tech employers”. Decent work is being affected and rights are being denied by companies avoiding rules and regulations under the guise of the ‘new economy’. The ITF and our affiliates must ensure these rogue companies do not use technology as an excuse to hide archaic employment practices. We must protect these workers’ rights and standards and critically, secure trade union power in their workplaces.  




Statement on earthquake in South-east Asia

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is saddened at the news coming out of South-east Asia on the human cost of today’s earthquake. With the brunt of the force hitting Myanmar and