The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and affiliate unions in the civil aviation sector stand in solidarity with your strikes.
Back in December, under intense pressure from workers and unions, Ryanair finally announced that it would recognise unions. However, since then progress has been painfully slow. A handful of unions in some countries have achieved collective bargaining rights, but there have been no concrete improvements in pay or working conditions.
Moreover, when you and your colleagues published the Ryanair Crew Charter on 4 July the company immediately denounced it as “pointless”. The demands contained in the charter represent basic standards to which you are all entitled. However, unless it intends to follow through and meet such simple standards then these bargaining rights are meaningless.
The ITF and ETF have already warned Ryanair about obstructing your fundamental right to strike. While a company memo states that no workers will face repercussions for striking, Ryanair has also circulated a survey asking workers about their intentions for 25 and 26 July. This could amount to intimidation aimed at preventing the free exercise of your trade union rights, and any attempts to obstruct the right to strike – including the dismissal of striking workers and inducements on other workers to break strikes – could contravene international norms on freedom of association.
Workers in Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Spain are striking because your voices are being ignored by the company in these countries. We know this is not a decision you have taken lightly, and we fully support you in all lawful industrial action you feel is necessary to win a fair deal from Ryanair.