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Skills workshop for women in public transport


Following the groundbreaking ITF research on the impact of the future of work for women in public transport, the first three-day skills development workshop was held this week in Mexico City

Women trade unionists from Mexico City and Bogota, Colombia discussed the findings and recommendations of the report, focussing on new technology, automation and platform work and how these are impacting on women.

Often in public transport the focus is on women as users not on women as workers – but women play a significant role in public transport and women public transport workers must be included in public transport planning and decision making. 

The group developed union demands specifically for women working in public transport to ensure that technological change is introduced in a way that seeks to advance gender equality, rather than worsen existing patterns of gender inequality.

This included demands on:

  • relocation agreements
  • training and re-training
  • health and safety
  • access to technology
  • violence and sexual harassment
  • flexibility and working hours

They will be discussed and developed further at subsequent workshops in Bangkok and Nairobi with the unions involved in the research for the report. 

The workshop was also an opportunity to develop skills around building alliances, organising and leadership.  

The host union, ATM Mexico shared the success of their ‘save the trolleybus’ campaign. There will be 63 new trolleybuses arriving by the end of the year and commitment from the government for the continuation of the trolleybus. 
Thanks to the FES for their support of this workshop.