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ITF welcomes Romanian ruling against Wizz Air


In 2014, shortly after informing Wizz that they had formed a trade union to represent the airline’s workers, 19 employees were dismissed from their positions. This punitive action violated both international norms on freedom of association and contravened the advice of the Romanian government’s National Council for Combatting Discrimination.

A lower court found in favour of the dismissed workers in 2016, but Wizz chose to appeal this judgement at the highest level. The union, Aerolimit Professional, has welcomed the supreme court’s ruling as reinforcing the fundamental rights of its members and other aviation workers.

ITF has supported Aerolimit and its members since its foundation and sees the outcome as an important recognition of legitimate trade union activity. Especially in the context of ITF’s flagship Ryanair campaign, Aerolimit is demonstrating that low-cost carriers must accept the same basic labour standards as any other employer in the aviation sector.