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ITF general secretary Stephen Cotton at Davos 2020

news Press Release

Stephen Cotton, general secretary of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) will also be available for interview at Davos 2020 - the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting.

We invite journalists to arrange interviews with Mr Cotton on key themes from Davos 2020, which intersect with the ITF’s work advocating for the world’s transport workers.

WHO: STEPHEN COTTON, general secretary of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) – representing 20 million workers in 147 countries

WHEN: 22-24 January 2020

WHERE: World Economic Forum media centre, Davos


Sustainable transport
Transport contributes to roughly one quarter of global, energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonisation of the whole economy must be based on employer and trade union cooperation, transport investment and government leadership.

Society and future of work
Technology is disrupting the global economy and lives of workers across all transport sectors. The ITF are influencing discussions around digitalization, the ‘gig economy’, automation and technological change; ensuring that the workers of today and tomorrow are central to the future of work.

We must govern tech; tech must not govern us
We must own our data and share the profits it generates. New technology must create jobs and improves our lives.

Better business – supply chain accountability
Multinationals are answerable and accountable for the exploitation throughout their global supply chain. Only workers and their unions can offer the workplace-level due diligence needed to end exploitation in supply chains.

Better business – business and human rights
We need mandatory human rights due diligence legislation at the national level and a strong, international binding treaty on business and human rights to address accountability gaps with respect to corporate human rights obligations.

Fairer economies – good trade is transparent
China’s Belt and Road Initiative is restructuring global supply chains. Workers and local communities must participate in the planning, investment, development and operation, for it to be accountable and sustainable.

Beyond geopolitics – ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment in work
Violence, harassment and gender-based occupational segregation are daily realities for millions of transport workers. Unions are demanding protection and calling on governments to ratify and implement ILO C190.

Fairer economies – aviation is soaring, but wages and conditions are falling
Informal, subcontracted work is becoming the new normal in the aviation industry. Workers’ rights and passenger safety are the first casualties of this race to the bottom. Airlines have the power to change this.

Cabotage laws are the bedrock of the blue economy
The maritime economy is built on the link between sustainability, safety, job growth and labour rights. National maritime cabotage laws maintain decent work for seafarers, liberalisation of cabotage is a major threat to the blue economy and international trade.


To arrange an interview or for more information contact:
Andy Khan-Gordon,, mob/WhatsApp +44 (0) 7711 356 964