Public transport union FESIMETRO negotiates five-hour reduction of work week while agreeing to introduction of new workplace technologies.
ITF affiliate the Federación de Sindicatos de Metro (FESIMETRO) signed a significant agreement with the state-owned company Metro de Santiago to reduce the work week from 45 to 40 hours starting from April.
Over 4,000 metro workers including more than 1,000 women will benefit from this agreement.
This agreement was signed by Eric Campos, ITF Urban Transport Chair and President of FESIMETRO, with the Metro Santiago administration. The Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, and the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications were present.
Labour and Social Welfare Minister Jeannette Jara Román remarked: “With this law, we are supporting the principle that we work to live, not the other way around.”
Campos commented that the signing of this agreement was made possible thanks to the active participation and organising efforts of workers.
"After almost two years of work and struggle by unions, we have managed to sign the 40-hour agreement. In concrete terms it means a better quality of life for workers and their families.”
The agreement fast-tracks the implementation of Chile’s “40 Hours Law,” which was introduced in 2023 with the intention of introducing a 40-hour work week by 2028.
The reduction in working time will also mean that workers in certain roles – station managers and security workers – will get an additional 28 days of rest per year with no loss of pay.
Edgar Díaz, regional secretary for Latin America commented: "This law is a great example of the struggle of workers for the defense of decent work and the importance of social dialogue. We congratulate our affiliate, and the ITF remains committed to supporting the fight for better working conditions in our region and around the world."
This negotiation was possible due to a “just transition” clause in the collective agreement. The clause was negotiated in 2022 with the support of ITF. It mandates a negotiation between workers and employers when new technologies are introduced.
As the metro company has introduced automated lines, the union made the reduction in working time at no loss in pay the priority of their negotiation.
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