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ITF raises Malaysian airline law concerns


The new Malaysian Airline System Berhad (Administration) Act 2014 was passed by the Malaysian parliament on 5 January and is awaiting enforcement. The Malaysian Airlines System Employees’ Union Peninsular Malaysia (MASEU) told the ITF that the non-transparent process envisaged in the law regarding the transfer of employees into the new airline would result in dramatic job losses, discrimination, loss of income and conditions, and de-unionisation.

In his letter of 18 February, ITF general secretary Steve Cotton wrote: “We understand that this law, when put into effect, would have strong consequences for trade unions organising MAS workers, including the MASEU. Unions will lose their certification as bargaining partners and workers would therefore be deprived of the right to be represented by their unions to bargain collectively and protect their hard won gains for the last 34 years.

“It is crucial that governments and investors recognise that the core asset of an airline is the skills, expertise and good will of employees. These are not an asset to be traded like a commodity, and nor should their security and working conditions be undermined. Any change in the status of MAS should be negotiated with its workers and their unions.”

Cotton reminded the prime minister of Malaysia’s workers’ rights obligations under International Labour Organization conventions, and urged him “to start a process of sincere dialogue and engagement with the MASEU based on respect for fundamental trade union rights”.

Cotton applauded the government’s efforts with Khazanah Nasional Berhad, which holds 69 percent of MAS, to lay strong foundations for the future success of its national carrier.

The letter was sent as the ITF and its affiliates prepared to support the families of passengers and workers who disappeared on Malaysian flight MH370 as the first anniversary of that tragedy approaches on 7 March. 

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