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Creating a better future for workers today.

By sharing our knowledge, experiences, research, tools and other resources, we can focus and unify our action, strengthen our collective voice and amplify our impact, to create a better future for workers, today.


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Video 01 May 2022

Why We're Proud To Be ITF

Solidarity greetings to all transport workers around the world. WATCH our leaders tell us why they're proud to be ITF, then TELL US what you're proud of this May Day! #IWD2022 #MayDay
Video 01 Apr 2022

Unions demand change to end fire and rehire

ITF, ETF, Nautilus International and RMT projection onto the cliffs of Dover demanding that the company be brought to task for its immoral and illegal actions. This action comes after P&O Ferries
Resources 16 Mar 2022

A Just Transition for Urban Transport Workers

Issues and Experiences from Unions in Cities of the Global South. A just transition in urban transport focuses on the need to make changes that reduce carbon emissions but at the same time combat
Resources 22 Nov 2021

The ABCs of NDCs

Transforming transport is vital to tackling climate change. All countries need to make an ambitious, just transition in transport central to their climate plans. This means planning for a radical