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Creating a better future for workers today.

By sharing our knowledge, experiences, research, tools and other resources, we can focus and unify our action, strengthen our collective voice and amplify our impact, to create a better future for workers, today.


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Resources 10 Nov 2021

C40/ITF Report: Making COP26 Count

How investing in public transport this decade can protect our jobs, our climate, our future. A joint report from the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and the C40 Cities Leadership
Resources 10 Nov 2021

Making COP26 Count: Research Methodology

How investing in public transport this decade can protect our jobs, our climate, our future. Research methodology for the joint report from the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) and
Resources 04 Nov 2021

بجديات المساهمات المحددة وطنيا ً NDCs

إن تحول النقل يُعتبر أمرا ً حيويا ً للتصدي للتغير المناخي. حيث تحتاج جميع البلدان إلى أن تضع الانتقال العادل والطموح في مجال النقل في محور اهتمام خططها المناخية. وهذا يعني التخطيط لتحول جذري في كيفية

Resources 01 Nov 2021

A Trade Union Guide to ICAO

Welcome to the second edition, of the International Transport Workers’ Federations (ITF) guide to the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). First published in 2019, this guide has been
Resources 11 Oct 2021

People’s Public Transport Policy Demands

The ITF has developed these demands from three sources: existing ITF policies and statements; recent developments and experiences in the urban transport sector; and external contributions from
Resources 11 Oct 2021

A Trade Union Guide to Worker Formalisation

Covid-19 has already had a profound economic and health impact on the lives of millions of informal transport workers, and the crisis shows little sign of abating. This guide aims to support unions in