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Creating a better future for workers today.

By sharing our knowledge, experiences, research, tools and other resources, we can focus and unify our action, strengthen our collective voice and amplify our impact, to create a better future for workers, today.


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Resources 27 Sep 2022

ITF Constitution

The ITF is a free trade union body, which welcomed into membership in 2009 unions that previously formed part of the FIOST tradition. Established to defend and further internationally the economic and
Video 15 Sep 2022

ITF stands with Unite's Liverpool dockers 100%

ITF leadership was in Liverpool this week to meet the 560 Unite the union Liverpool dockers who are striking for pay justice. The port's owner made £141 million in profit last year - more than its
Resources 09 Sep 2022

A New Deal for Aviation

The aviation industry is lurching between crisis and chaos. Covid-19 exacerbated economic inequality and aviation workers were on the frontlines of the global shutdown. Recovery from Covid-19 had
Video 14 Jun 2022

The Pandemic in Road Transport

The pandemic in road transport, a joint VNB-ITF-IUF film and investigation that highlights how companies are exploiting Covid-19 to further cut transport prices, pay, conditions and health and safety
Resources 16 May 2022

A one way ticket to labour exploitation

Transit visas are the starting point for the labour abuse of migrant workers working in the UK fishing industry. This type of visa is intended to allow seafarers from other countries to board ships in