Today, the ITF held its Arab World steering committee meeting in Amman, Jordan. The leaders from across the region came together to discuss the implementation of the three strategic directions that were agreed upon at the ITF Congress in Singapore: growth, innovative campaigning, and influencing regional and global policy.
Linking to the first direction, Arab World is one of the fastest-growing regions in the ITF in terms of the number of affiliates. The consistent growth over the previous inter-Congress period resulted in the region being recognised and warranted its own governance structures. Additionally, the growing influence of our affiliates in their national arenas and the solidarity mechanisms that have been developed regionally despite challenging political conditions have been great achievements.
Rob Johnston, ITF assistant general secretary, opened the meeting by informing leaders that “Our work programme is making a difference in the region, that’s why workers and unions here are increasingly turning to us as an organisation they want to be part of. Today we have the opportunity to ensure that we continue to build on the solid foundations we already have in place”.
The second ITF strategic direction is innovative campaigning, and within the region, several successful priorities have already been established. Despite the fact that many unions are operating in challenging circumstances nationally, progress is being made rapidly.
Bilal Malkawi, Arab World regional secretary, commented “ITF has empowered the region and affiliates to own our future pathway. This makes a huge difference in developing campaigns that are relevant and owned by our affiliates. The future investment through new infrastructure and resources shows what we have achieved as a region and the ongoing commitment in return. We want to send a strong signal from this meeting across the region that ITF recognises the potential we have and our collective responsibility to realise it”.
Ensuring that the unique dynamics in the region are understood and included in future regulation at global, regional, and national levels was also on the agenda. The leaders in the region are influencing decisions at all levels on behalf of the ITF already, prioritising key areas such as: Women, Youth and the Future of Work. The Arab World region has one of the youngest membership bases across the ITF and encouraging new ideas and programmes can only benefit the whole movement.