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Russian rail union in Covid-19 response


The Russian rail union, ROSPROFZHEL, has been playing a leading role in the Covid-19 response.

Representatives from the union are working at the headquarters setup by Russian Railways to coordinate efforts on the network to stop the spread of the virus.

This includes diagnostic testing of passengers on trains and at stations, as well as the use of protective equipment by Russian Railways employees.

Nikolay Nikiforov, chair of ROSPROFZHEL, has called on trade unions to organise their members to help in their communities. Young workers from ROSPROFZHEL are giving practical and financial support to vulnerable, retired railway workers.

Furthermore, to ensure the welfare of workers, the union is closely monitoring work schedules, the availability of protective equipment and job security, and has established a hotline to help with legal, social and labour issues.



Statement on earthquake in South-east Asia

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