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Riders setup soup kitchen in Oslo in fight for decent work


Over 100 delivery riders is Oslo, Norway, for the company Foodora are on strike as they demand that the company agrees to a collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

As part of their action, the riders, from the union Fellesforbundet, have setup a soup kitchen and are repairing bicycles for free in the city centre.

Their strike committee said in a statement: ‘We have received amazing support from all corners, both media abroad, riders in other countries and people in general. We are very grateful. We realise we are just doing a tiny battle in a big war for workers rights, but this is the way to go!’

The union started negotiating the CBA with Foodora this summer, but talks and mediation failed and the strike began 20 August.

Among other things, the riders want:

  • a pay rise that is adjusted for inflation for the three years salaries have been stagnant
  • adequate compensation for using their own equipment at work, eg bicycles, smartphones etc
  • a satisfactory training and safety plan for the daily risks faced by riders

‘Our riders love their work and they want to continue doing it under fair conditions,’ the statement said. ‘This strike is important not only for the Foodora riders in Norway but for riders, couriers and foodsters anywhere, and for anyone concerned about working conditions and working rights in the so-called platform economy.

‘All help and support, both national and international, is greatly appreciated. Economic contributions go directly to the riders on strike and their efforts. You can donate using these details: IBAN: NO3790012351495 BIC (SWIFT): SHEDNO2.’

The action in Norway is part of a wider trend of delivery riders fighting back against appalling employment conditions, with recent demonstrations in Belgium and the launch of the Delivery Riders Alliance in Australia



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