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ITF unions protest against Brazil labour reforms


The reforms aim to reduce labour rights, deregulate labour relations and increase outsourcing. They may weaken collective agreements and reduce the economic resources of trade unions. The proposed reform of social security – which includes a severe increase in the number of years of contributions needed to receive retirement rights – will affect workers but not politicians or judges.

ITF unions say the reforms are being promoted by economic groups more interested in their profits than in the social welfare of workers or the wider population.

Severino Almeida, president of CONTTMAF (Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores e Transportes Aquaviários e Aéreos, na Pesca e nos Portos), said: "Since the end of the military dictatorship, workers' rights have never been under such an aggressive attack. The risk and threat of losing historic rights and benefits of the working class is terrible. Companies and politicians are trying through the media to make society believe that it is necessary for a modern legislation.  

"We are fighting and we will continue defending our rights. The only option to defend our rights and demand respect of the union unity established by our constitution is strong and representative unions, with the capacity to mobilise."

ITF regional secretary Antonio Fritz commented that the federation would continue to support its unions and would encourage international solidarity against this threat, which if allowed to succeed would undo decades of union struggle and generate more social problems in Brazil. He said the ITF would continue to denounce legal efforts to impose massive fines against unions which would undermine the rights to strike and collective bargaining – principles enshrined in ILO Convention 98, which Brazil has ratified.

Other ITF unions which took part in the protest include the FNTTAA (Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Transportes Aquaviários e Afins), CNTTT (Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Transportes Terrestres), FNTF (Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Ferroviários), SINDMAR (Sindicato Nacional dos Oficiais da Marinha Mercante) and SINA (Sindicato Nacional dos Aeroportuários).