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ITF sets agenda for future of Civil Aviation


The conference, on the 9 and 10 March with a cabin crew meeting on 8 March, involves over 120 representatives from around 80 unions covering more than 50 countries.

They will address the most pressing issues for workers in the industry, including: cabin air quality; organising workers in airlines; tackling violence against women; flags of convenience in aviation; the ITF airports campaign and the future of work in civil aviation.

ITF civil aviation section secretary Gabriel Mocho Rodriguez said: “The high standards of safety, service and working conditions that have been associated with civil aviation have never been under greater threat. The pernicious attempts to liberalise and deregulate the industry are bad news for workers and passengers. This conference is about getting ITF unions ready to meet these challenges head on and help shape a civil aviation sector that puts its workers and customers first, not its profits.”

Every part of the ITF will hold a conference as part of the Pathway to Congress (P2C), which is designed to ensure that all ITF unions feed into the decision making process at Congress in 2018, and ensure each part of the ITF fits in with the 4-levers global strategy. This will enable all of the ITF to work towards the same goal of building union power.

You can follow reports, pictures, interviews and video from the event by searching for #WeAreITF on social media.