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ITF Seafarers' Expo: 23-25 June 2023 – registrations now open


Registrations have opened today for the ITF Seafarers’ Expo, to be held in the heart of the Philippines – Manila – later this month.

This is only the second time the major maritime event is being held in the ITF’s long history of being the voice of the world’s seafarers.

The Expo aims to inform seafarers about their rights, the ITF, and its affiliated seafarers’ unions’ critical role in supporting seafarers worldwide.

The Expo is a free, fun, informative day out for seafarers and their families, of which about 5,000 will file through the Expo’s grounds over its three days.

Attendees are invited to enjoy games, giveaways, prizes, and food to share.

Basketball, talent quest, and other activities will be provided to entertain and encourage seafarers to learn about and defend their rights.

While the event is family-friendly, it has an explicit focus on informing and educating actively working seafarers. A valid seafarers’ book number (SIRB/ SRB in the case of Filipino crew) is required to attend.

The Expo showcases learning and earning opportunities for seafarers in a changing maritime industry, with international experts available to provide guidance and workshops, educating crew on staying happy and healthy onboard.

Seafarers will also be able to find out about key local and international welfare support organisations available to assist them and their families in times of need. The ITF Seafarers’ Trust is one of the charity and welfare organisations attending the Expo.

The Expo’s three days culminate with a festive celebration of the seafarers on Sunday, 25 June – the IMO’s official Day of the Seafarer.

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is hosting the Expo with the generous support of local affiliates AMOSUP, APSU, and PWUP; and with the welcomed presence of ITF seafarers’ unions JSU (Japan), NSU (Norway), and ver.di (Germany).

All seafarers, Filipino and international, are invited to attend.

Register now at: 



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