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ITF backs strong position of Argentinian affiliates


The ITF this week lent its strong support to members in Argentina for their unwavering position in defending workers’ interests.

The statement from the ITF Americas office commended unions within the Argentina Federation of Aeronautical Personnel (FAPA) for staying focused on matters of importance to workers, despite an ongoing dispute between the Argentinian government and employer LAN Argentina.

The statement outlines the strength and success of the unions in the past in preserving jobs for workers despite sometimes challenging external circumstances over the last few decades. FAPA unions played a key role in influencing the government in Argentina to nationalise Aerolineas Argentinas and Austral, for instance, which proved crucial to that airline’s recovery and lasting jobs for aviation workers in the country.

Antonio Fritz, ITF Americas regional secretary, said: “In this instance, the struggle in Argentina today is one of LAN Argentina having more or less profit. We urge management at LAN Argentina and Orsna officials to commit not to harm workers at LAN Argentina in this conflict, nor to use them as pawns in their dispute.”

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Alexander Bodnya

With deep regret, the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) mourns the passing of Alexander Mikhailovich Bodnya, Vice-President of the Seafarers Union of Russia (SUR) and President of the