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Asia Pacific fisheries workers are organising


With more fish caught, processed, and exported globally from the Asia Pacific region than anywhere else in the world, organising fisheries workers in the region is a key priority for the ITF.

The seminar was part of the joint ITF (International Transport Workers Federation) and IUF (International Union of Food Workers) From catcher to counter campaign. ITF affiliates the Maritime Union of New Zealand (MUNZ) and the Merchant Service Guild (MSG), along with the IUF-affiliated Service and Food Workers Union, hosted the meeting.

Maritime lawyers, campaigning groups, government representatives and academics joined workers at the meeting. Together, the participants identified key priorities for the section. These included pursuing the ratification of ILO conventions such as ILO 188, which assures decent work for fisheries workers, holding governments to account and establishing regular communications between workers. Participants further agreed to support the pursuit of legal claims for fishers on foreign vessels and agreeing corporate strategies where workers will pursue collective bargaining rights.

Liz Blackshaw, ITF/IUF fisheries programme leader, said: “Following on from the success of the RD Tuna Cannery Branch of the PNG Maritime Union back in August – which is now finally being recognised as a legitimate union - the seminar was a great opportunity to look at how we further organise in the region. We look forward to acting on the resolutions of the meeting and securing better work for fisheries workers everywhere.”

To find out more about the catcher to counter programme please visit