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news 27 Apr 2018

Ground-breaking discourse with the IMO on Abandonment of Seafarers

On 24 April 2018, during the 105th session of Legal Committee at main hall of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), an International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) delegation delivered a presentation regarding ongoing cases and outcomes of the latest data analysis of the ILO/IMO database on reported incidents of abandonment of seafarers.
news Press Release 26 Jan 2018

Seafarers finally return home after 17 months in Ajman, UAE

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) is pleased to announce that the eleven crew of the Panamanian flagged 'Agean Princess' have finally been able to return home to India and Myanmar, after a dispute between their ships operator and owner saw them held in Ajman, United Arab Emirates, for 17 months. However, the crew are still owed hundreds of thousands of dollars of unpaid wages.