There are a number of international standards that set out commitments related to employment and equality:
- UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), 1979
- ILO Convention No. 100 on Equal Remuneration, 1951
- ILO Convention No. 111 on Discrimination (Employment and Occupation), 1958
- ILO Convention No. 122 on Employment Policy Convention, 1964
- ILO Convention No. 155 on Occupational Safety and Health, 1981
- ILO Convention No. 156 on Workers with Family Responsibilities, 1981
- ILO Convention No. 175 on Part-Time Work, 1994
- ILO Convention No. 183 on Maternity Protection Convention, 2000
- ILO Convention No. 190 on Violence and Harassment, 2019
Those Conventions highlighted in bold are fundamental Conventions. This means that they apply to all ILO member states, even if not ratified.