Türkiye’de bulunan ITF (Uluslararası Taşımacılık İşçileri Federasyonu) heyeti, bugün yaptığı bir açıklamayla, hükümetin sendikacılara yönelik yeni bir baskı dalgası başlatmanın hazırlığı içinde olabileceği uyarısında bulundu. Bu uyarı, heyetin haksız yere hapsedilmiş olan sendikacı meslektaşlarını ziyaret etmelerine izin verilmemesi ve sendika üyelerine karşı polis şiddetinin sürüyor olmasıyla bağlantılı olarak yapıldı.
An ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) mission to Turkey today warned that the government there may be preparing a further wave of repression against trade unionists. The warning comes as the delegation was prevented from visiting unjustly imprisoned union colleagues, and amid continuing police violence against union members.
The ITF is backing its union ASSA (the Asociación Sindical de Sobrecargos de Aviación) in Mexico, which has announced strike action next week if Aeromar continues to refuse to negotiate the current collective bargaining agreement (CBA).
Global union federation the ITF (International Transport Workers’ Federation) has commenced talks with IKEA aimed at eradicating exploitation from the Swedish furniture giant’s European supply chain.
Women transport worker activists and leaders from Colombia, Mexico and Peru came together to develop stronger skills on building alliances to deliver more effective union campaigns.
Women bus conductors in Maharashtra state, India – who experience shockingly high rates of miscarriage – are celebrating the announcement of improved pregnancy provisions after a hard-fought campaign by ITF union MSTKS.
Women bus conductors in Maharashtra state, India – who experience shockingly high rates of miscarriage – are celebrating the announcement of improved pregnancy provisions after a hard-fought campaign by ITF union MSTKS.